He's Here!
He really was born! Have you ever really stopped to consider that face? Now hold on. I know we know that, but have we really stopped lately to consider the impact of that fact?
Jesus. Messiah. The Only Begotten Son of God. Born of a Virgin. He allowed himself to be stripped of His glory and His majesty, to be born a carpenter's son, and offer Himself to a criminal's death and be buried in a borrowed tomb. He really was born!
This morning we are so glad you have joined us for worship. Worship involves giving worth to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The very word means 'to give worth.'
We do that in our time, in the use of our talents, and in the giving of our finances to expand the sharing of the word about who Jesus is. This Christmas, allow this timeless story to be fresh in your life. Learn from the account of Christ's birth, to make room for Him, to make your way to Him, and to then join with the body of Christ to make Him known. We are so glad you are here with us as we celebrate the birth of Messiah.